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March 16

LAA Framework - add a form

Create form html, and give a form name (which will be handled by controller when form is submitted)         <form class="new-form" method="post" action="">           <input type="hidden" name="form_name" value="my_form_name">           <!-- form contents -->           <div class="form-group">             <label>Airway Bill Nubmer:</label>            ...

March 11

MySql correct font display issue with asian font from DB by using UTF-8

Use set_charset to turn current charset to utf8, and you will be able to display Asian fonts.   $db_link = mysqli_connect($db['host'],$db['user'],$db['pass'],$db['db']); //  echo "Initial character set is: " . $db_link -> character_set_name();   $db_link -> set_charset("utf8"); // Change character set to utf8 //  echo "Current character set is: " . $db_link -> character_set_name(); ...

March 6

LAA Framework - add css file in controller

Attach a css file to a controller that applies to: 1. single url : add to target Action function in the selected Controoler.     $this->add_css_files[] = '/laa_mvc/modules/{ModuleName}/themes/{addedCssFileName}.css' or, 2. apply to entire controller: add your css file to__contruct() function in the controller class.    function __construct($params) {     parent::__construct($params);     $this->add_css_files[] = '/laa_mvc/modules/{ModuleName}/themes/{addedCssFileName}.css';     return $this;   } ...

March 2

Copying Files Between Local Computer and Instance (AWS)

To copy files between your computer and your instance you can use an FTP service like FileZilla or the command scp which stands for secure copy. To use scp with a key pair use the following command: $ scp -i path/to/key file/to/copy user@ec2-xx-xx-xxx-xxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com:path/to/file To use it without a key pair, just omit the flag -i and type in the password of the user...

February 27

Free Wildcard SSL Certificate From Let's Encrypt with certbot

Instruction is from certbot.eff.org with actual testing note. 1. Add Certbot PPA sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository universe sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot sudo apt-get update 2. Install Certbot sudo apt-get install certbot python-certbot-apache 3. get and install your certs sudo certbot --apache or, just get a certificate sudo certbot certonly --apache 4. test automatic renewal sudo certbot renew --dry-run For wildcard, you should run acme-v02 for wildcard domains. $ sudo certbot certonly --manual...

February 26

Upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Note: you should stop apache before upgrade. You should back up your conf files, such as apache2.conf, php.ini, my.ini, and all VirtualHost settings. Run simple command to upgrade.  sudo do-release-upgrade After server restarted, login and STOP apache2 to prevent PHP short end breaks php rendering. Enable new php short hand tag in php.ini if it is needed for your code. sudo apt-get remove php7.2-common sudo apt...

February 26

How to Upgrade Ubuntu 14 to 16

check current version: lsb_release -a Install Available Updates apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get dist-upgrade Stop Services service apache2 stop START UPGRADE 1. Install the update-manager-core package: apt-get install update-manager-core 2. Open /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and verify that the Prompt value is set to lts: Prompt=lts 3. You’re now ready to begin the upgrade to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS: do-release-upgrade Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process. Install and Update php7.0 properly after upgrade. note: you might want...

February 18

Quick mobile app coding test

Two features in a blank app with header & footer with following two buttons for a quick mobile app coding test:  1. embed webview in your app 2. create location items display in mobile app with map For #1, as simple as creating a button, "go to webview", in your app, click to open a web page url in a webview. url:  For #2, call API with current...

February 12

MySQL - use LIMIT on select and still getting total rows found

Use SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS in your SELECT query and then run SELECT FOUND_ROWS() after that: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS field_name,filed_name2 FROM tables WHERE CLAUSE LIMIT X; SELECT FOUND_ROWS() ; ...

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