April 2
Django setup
In your python virtual env, install django 3.1.5 (or later version)
$ pip install django==3.1.5
Check virtual env using pip
$ pip freeze
Run django-admin to create your django project
$ django-admin startproject myproject_name
Run your first django project, and you should be able to view your django project on
$ python manage.py runserver
To migrate your database with django, run
$ python manage.py migrate
Common commands for manage.py
$ python manage.py startapp ...
April 2
Python VirtualEnv HowTo
Create python virtualenv in a dir for python3
$ cd codefolder
$ python3 -m venv venv
(or, $ virtualenv -p python3 . )
Start your virtualenv again
$ source yourvenv/bin/activate
Exit python virtualevn
$ deactivate
Shorthand to create virtualenv and folder
$ virtualenv yourvenv -p python3
Install django
$ pip install django==3.1.5