Create form html, and give a form name (which will be handled by controller when form is submitted)
<form class="new-form" method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="form_name" value="my_form_name"><!-- form contents -->
<div class="form-group">
<label>Airway Bill Nubmer:</label>
<input required="" id="shelf_number" type="text" name="Pallets[airwaybill_number]" value="">
</div><input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="save">
Add form handler to Controller Action section:
Create a form handler and validation for this form based on form_name in controller:
function form_add_palletFormValidate() {
// check $this->post for any error for the user input data
$this->messages['form_error'][]='eorror message if any'; // add error to arry if any. If no error is added, FormSubmit will take over.
}function form_add_palletFormSubmit() {
// handle your post data...
..... php code to handle submit with domain+model
// on successful submission, add message and redirect the page back to user.
MessageHelper::add('Save successfully.');
LAA::redirect(); // reload the form page.