October 7

Docker commands

Common used docker commands: 

List of running containers

$ docker ps 
$ docker ps -a    // show all containers running & stopped 

List of docker images

$ docker images 
$ docker image ls

Starts a new container to run image. $ docker run = docker pull + docker start

$ docker run {image-name}
$ docker run -d {image-name}  // with detach mode

// port binding with host and container
$ docker run -p6000:6379   // binding host port 6000 to docker container 6379

$docker run -d -p6000:6379 --name  {my-custom-name} {image-name}

Stop/start a container by container ID

$ docker stop {container-id}
$ docker start {container-id}

View logs 

$ docker logs {container-id}
$ docker logs {container-name}

Using interactive terminal on this container/image

$ docker exec -it {container-id} /bin/bash

Docker network

$ docker network ls

Docker Network create

$ docker network create {mongo-network}

Example of Network creation for mongo-network. docker run with environment variables 

// start mongodb.  create mongo netowkr with mongodb 
$ docker run  -d  -p 27017:27017
  --net mongo-network
  --name mongodb

// start mongo-express.  run express to connect to mongoDB
$ docker run -d
-p 8081:8081
--net mongo-network
--name mongo-express

################# More docker command options

More "docker image ... " commands: 

$ docker image build //Build an image from a Dockerfile
$ docker image history //Show the history of an image
$ docker image import //Import the contents from a tarball to create a file system image
$ docker image inspect //Display detailed information on one or more images
$ docker image load //Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN
$ docker image ls //List images
$ docker image prune //Remove unused images
$ docker image pull //Pull an image or a repository from a registry
$ docker image push //Push an image or a repository to a registry
$ docker image rm //Remove one or more images
$ docker image save //Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default)
$ docker image tag //Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE
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